About the Different Kinds of Cannabis Concentrates: Shatter

While there are various types of cannabis concentrates often categorized by their extraction methods and processes - there’s one that has a fragile consistency but is packed with a strong punch: Shatter.

Continue reading to learn all about this popular extract offered at our Consume Cannabis dispensaries! 

Cannabis Concentrates Basics

There are many different cannabis concentrates seen on today’s market, available for any type of consumer to enjoy. 

In general, they are formulated by extracting THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and other cannabinoids/terpenes from cannabis plant matter and condensing them down into a tough, gooey, or sticky consistency. 

They have a higher THC content which makes even smaller doses extremely potent. Because of the abundance of potent compounds, cannabis concentrates, such as shatter, are often potentially effective for both medical and recreational consumers. 

What is ‘Shatter’? 

Shatter is a brittle, glass-like cannabis concentrate that has become a favorite of dabbing enthusiasts for its full flavor and careful manufacturing process. 

When it comes to shatter, it looks and feels exactly like its name – as solid and translucent as glass. Similar to other forms of concentrates such as live resin or wax, there are a few different extraction methods that are typically used to create shatter. 

With butane or a hydrocarbon solvent, these extractions help separate the potent canna-compounds from the plant matter for a refined concentration that is full of rich cannabinoids and taste. 

Tips on Consuming Cannabis Shatter 

With dabs and cannabis concentrates, it’s important to remember that all shatter can be dabbed but not all concentrates are considered shatter. 

Among the live resin, wax, budder, and shatter options available as potent concentrates, considering these dab consumption tips will help you get the most out of your cannabis experience: 

  • When not consuming, always keep your cannabis shatter in a sealed, airtight container and store it in a cool, dark space. 

  • You can consume your shatter through the art of dabbing. Using a dab rig, heat up the nail (whether with an e-nail or blow torch) to prepare your dab. Carefully break off your desired amount of shatter onto the heated nail and spread it around to evenly melt and distribute. 

  • Nectar collectors are a fun way to consume shatter, allowing you to dip your heated end of the nectar collector into the container. Be sure to take a deep inhale to avoid clogging. 

  • Don’t have a dab rig? No problem! You can simply add shatter (or any concentrate, for that matter) straight onto your joint, blunt, or bowl. 
    Carefully break up tiny pieces of the shatter to sprinkle throughout the rolling paper filled with ground flower. Be sure not to add any shatter towards the ends of the paper where it will need to be relit. 

  • Shatter is a seriously potent cannabis concentrate. Remember to start slow and low as you consume, especially when trying it for the first time. 

Consume Dispensaries: Now Offering Concentrates & Other Quality Cannabis Products 

Throughout our multiple Consume dispensary locations in Michigan, Arizona, and Illinois, you’ll find tons of shatter products among our line of cannabis concentrates. 

As we mentioned in this blog, shatter is one of the many cannabis concentrates favored by dabbing enthusiasts and consumers alike for its specific extraction process and physical, translucent characteristics. 

There are plenty of ways to consume shatter, but above all, be mindful that it is an extremely potent cannabis concentrate that should be experienced mindfully and with care! 

Check out our Know Your Cannabis Blog page to learn more about the different consumption methods and products, plus how specific cannabinoids and terpenes work with our bodies. 

Be sure to connect with us on our social media channels to get the latest updates and to find one of our recreational or medical cannabis dispensaries near you – (Twitter & Instagram)


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