New Visitor’s
Before you head to your local Consume dispensary for the first time as a medical patient, there are a few things you might want to know:
Have your IDs ready. Once you enter the front vestibule, you will be greeted by the receptionist who will kindly ask for your medical marijuana registry card and driver’s license or state ID.
Bring cash or a debit card. Our Consume dispensaries each have an ATM onsite, but if you’d like to avoid fees then just bring cash. Doing this will help your purchase go as smoothly as possible.
This may be a lengthy visit. Since this is your first visit, you will want to speak with an advisor and get acquainted with the process of purchasing medical marijuana. If you’re not a complete cannabis novice, you can decline the first-time consult to save yourself some time.
Prepare for information overload. Our well-trained, patient care specialists are here to guide you through your cannabis journey. Your first visit will an introduction to medical cannabis and building that base knowledge. This will be a lot of new information, so bring a notepad and don’t be afraid to ask questions!
Know your limit. Every state has unique medical and adult use cannabis laws. Medical patients in Arizona are able to purchase up to 2 1/2 ounces of medical cannabis, of which no more than 12 1/2 grams is in the form of cannabis concentrate, every two weeks.
If you have any questions prior to your first visit, feel free to call the dispensary!
As of January 2020, recreational cannabis is legal in Arizona for adults 21 and older! Recreational cannabis can be purchased at our Consume Cannabis dispensaries in Arizona.
Before you head to your local Consume dispensary, there are a few things you might want to know.
Purchase Limits
Recreational consumers 21 years and older are allowed to purchase up to 28 grams of cannabis per dispensary transaction. Of the 28 grams total, 5 grams can be concentrated and infused cannabis products such as edibles, vaporizer cartridges, extracts, etc. Recreational edibles are limited to 10 mg of THC per serving and/or 100 mg per package.
Adults 21 years and older can possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis or cannabis infused products.
Tax Rate
Arizona’s adult use tax rate is a 16% excise tax in addition to a 8.43% sales tax.
Consume dispensaries in Arizona do not include tax in the pricing displayed on the menu.
Ordering Options
There are three ways to place an order: online, at the in-store kiosk, or at the counter with a budtender.
To place an order online, chose the recreational menu at your Consume location. You will be shown all available products and be able to add them to your cart. Once you have selected all of products you are looking to purchase, follow the checkout instructions and wait for the text that says your order is ready.
To place an order on a kiosk in stores, head to your local Consume dispensary. Let the receptionist know that you are planning to place your order on the kiosk, and they will direct you to the next steps.
To place an order in stores, head to your local Consume dispensary. Check in with reception and let them know you want to order with an advisor. While you are waiting, look at the online menu for ideas of what products you might want to purchase. The advisor can provide you with more information on the types of cannabis products available, as well as the effects and onsets. Placing an order in person is ideal for people who have never tried cannabis before or are looking for a specific effect from their cannabis experience.
What to Bring
A valid government issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, state ID or passport.
Cash or a debit card. There is an ATM at each Consume location, but it can speed up your visit to have cash ready
When transporting cannabis, make sure that it is sealed and out of reach of the driver.
Only make purchases for yourself. You cannot purchase for minors or redistribute.
Cannabis is federally illegal, and you should not cross state lines with cannabis.
Don’t consume cannabis in public spaces or vehicles.
After your first visit reflect on the customer service, the quality of the product, and overall atmosphere. If you find yourself so inclined, please leave us a review on the Google listing, Facebook page, Yelp, or Weedmaps of your local Consume dispensary. Doing this helps our team improve their service, allows you to give credit where it’s deserved, and provides future patrons a sense of what to expect on their visit.
Arizona allows qualifying patients to apply for a medical marijuana program registry card if an active Arizona physician confirms that you have at least one of the following qualifying conditions:
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Cancer
• Glaucoma
• Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
• Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
• Hepatitis C
• Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
• Crohn's Disease
• Agitation of Alzheimer's disease
• Cachexia or wasting syndrome
• Severe and chronic pain
• Severe nausea
• Seizures, including those characteristic of epilepsy
• Severe or persistent muscle spasms, including those characteristic of multiple sclerosis
Physical and digital applications are accepted. For the online application, you can make an account for a Patient Only Registry card or apply with caregiver.
In addition to the application, you will need:
• Proof of Arizona residency (valid Arizona driver’s license, state ID or signed voter registration)
• Medical Marijuana Physician Certification form completed by your physician
• Medical Marijuana Patient Attestation
• Application fee.
For additional information about applying for a registry card and the Arizona Medical Marijuana program, check out the Arizona Department of Health Services website.
Now that you’ve received your Illinois Medical Cannabis or OAPP card, it’s time to come to Consume!
First, make sure that you are registered at your local Consume dispensary through your application paperwork or by calling the store. Learn here how to switch your dispensary.
Before you head to your local Consume dispensary for the first time as a medical patient, there are a few things you might want to know:
Have your IDs ready. Once you enter the front vestibule, you will be greeted by the receptionist who will kindly ask for your medical cannabis card and driver’s license or state ID.
Bring cash or a debit card. Our Consume dispensaries each have an ATM onsite, but if you’d like to avoid fees then just bring cash. Doing this will help your purchase go as smoothly as possible.
This will be a lengthy visit. Since this is your first visit, you will need to fill out intake paperwork and getting acquainted with your surroundings. If you’re not a complete cannabis novice, you can decline the first-time consult to save yourself some time, just let your dispensary’s staff know.
Prepare for information overload. Our well-trained, patient care specialists are here to guide you through your cannabis journey. Your first visit will an introduction to medical cannabis and building that base knowledge. This will be a lot of new information, so bring a notepad and don’t be afraid to ask questions!
Know your limit. Every state has unique medical and adult use cannabis laws. Medical patients in Illinois are able to purchase at least 2.5oz (70 grams) every 14 days.
If you have any questions prior to your first visit, feel free to call the dispensary!
Don’t know where your local Consume is? Find the Consume medical dispensary near you!
As of January 2020, recreational cannabis is legal in Illinois for adults 21 and older! Recreational cannabis can be purchased at all four Illinois Consume Cannabis dispensaries.
Before you head to your local Consume dispensary, there are a few things you might want to know.
Purchase Limits
Illinois purchase limits differ for in state and out of state purchasers. These limits are per day.
Illinois residents may purchase:
Up to 30 grams of cannabis flower
Up to 500 milligrams of THC in a cannabis-infused product, basically anything that falls under the edible or topical categories
Up to 5 grams of cannabis concentrate
Out of state residents may purchase:
Up to 15 grams of cannabis flower
Up to 250 milligrams of THC in a cannabis-infused product, basically anything that falls under the edible or topical categories
Up to 2.5 grams of cannabis concentrate
Ordering Options
There are three ways to place an order: online, at the in-store kiosk, or at the counter with a budtender.
To place an order online, chose the recreational menu at your Consume location. You will be shown all available products and be able to add them to your cart. Once you have selected all of products you are looking to purchase, follow the checkout instructions and wait for the text that says your order is ready.
To place an order on a kiosk in stores, head to your local Consume dispensary. Let the receptionist know that you are planning to place your order on the kiosk, and they will direct you to the next steps.
To place an order in stores, head to your local Consume dispensary. Check in with reception and let them know you want to order with a budtender. While you are waiting, look at the online menu for ideas of what products you might want to purchase. The budtender can provide you with more information on the types of cannabis products available, as well as the effects and onsets. Placing an order in person is ideal for people who have never tried cannabis before or are looking for a specific effect from their cannabis experience.
What to Bring
A valid government issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, state ID or passport
Cash or a debit card. There is an ATM at each Consume location, but it can speed up your visit to have cash ready
When transporting cannabis, make sure that it is sealed and out of reach of the driver.
Only make purchases for yourself. You cannot purchase for minors or redistribute.
Cannabis is federally illegal, and you should not cross state lines with cannabis.
Don’t consume cannabis in public spaces or vehicles.
After your first visit reflect on the customer service, the quality of the product, and overall atmosphere. If you find yourself so inclined, please leave us a review on your local Consume’s Google, Facebook page, Yelp, or Weedmaps. Doing this helps our team improve their service, allows you to give credit where it’s deserved, and provides future patrons a sense of what to expect on their visit.
Don’t know where your local Consume is? Find a Consume dispensary near you!
Illinois allows patients to apply for a Medical Cannabis Patient Program registry card if an active Illinois physician confirms that you have at least one of the qualifying conditions. You can also apply for a registry card if you have or could receive a prescription for opioids as certified by a physician licensed in Illinois through the Opioid Alternative Pilot Program.
As of 12/01/20, the Illinois Department of Public Health will no longer accept paper applications.
To apply online, you will need to create an account for the online portal. Once in the portal, you will be able to fill out the application and upload proof of Illinois residency, a picture for the registry card and application fee. Click here to see the registry card fees.
You will also need to upload a healthcare professional certification. The online portal allows your medical provider to create their own login and upload your medical certification.
IDPH has step by step instructions for the online application can be found here. For assistance with the application process, please reach out to our Patient Outreach Specialists using the form below.
Once your application has been approved, you can log on to the Illinois Cannabis Tracking System to print a provisional letter that can be used the same day at any medical dispensary in Illinois.
If you have any questions about the Illinois Medical Cannabis Patient Program, the Opioid Alternative Pilot Program or the application process, please reach out to your local Consume dispensary!
*Please note, if you hold a school bus permit or Commercial Driver’s License (CDL); or are an active duty law enforcement officer, correctional officer, correctional probation officer, or firefighter, you are not eligible for the Illinois Medical Cannabis Patient Program.*
Now that you’ve received your Michigan Medical Marijuana card, it’s time to come to Consume!
Before you head to your local Consume provisioning center for the first time as a medical patient, there are a few things you might want to know:
Have your IDs ready. Once you enter the front vestibule, you will be greeted by the receptionist who will kindly ask for your medical marijuana card and driver’s license or state ID.
Bring cash or a debit card. Our Consume dispensaries each have an ATM onsite, but if you’d like to avoid fees then just bring cash. Doing this will help your purchase go as smoothly as possible.
This will be a lengthy visit. Since this is your first visit, you will need to fill out intake paperwork and getting acquainted with your surroundings. If you’re not a complete cannabis novice, you can decline the first-time consult to save yourself some time, just let your dispensary’s staff know.
Prepare for information overload. Our well-trained, patient care specialists are here to guide you through your cannabis journey. Your first visit will an introduction to medical marijuana and building that base knowledge. This will be a lot of new information, so bring a notepad and don’t be afraid to ask questions!
Know your limit. Every state has unique medical and adult use marijuana laws. Medical patients in Michigan are able to purchase at least 2.5oz (70 grams) per day.
If you have any questions prior to your first visit, feel free to call the provisioning center!
Don’t know where your local Consume is? Find the Consume medical dispensary near you!
Recreational marijuana is legal in Michigan for adults 21 and older! Before you head to your local Consume dispensary, there are a few things you might want to know.
Purchase Limits
Adult use purchasers:
Up to 2.5oz of flower per transaction
Up to 15 grams of concentrate
Ordering Options
There are three ways to place an order: online, at the in-store kiosk, or at the counter with a budtender.
To place an order online, chose the recreational menu at your Consume location. You will be shown all available products and be able to add them to your cart. Once you have selected all of products you are looking to purchase, follow the checkout instructions and wait for the text that says your order is ready.
To place an order on a kiosk in stores, head to your local Consume dispensary. Let the receptionist know that you are planning to place your order on the kiosk, and they will direct you to the next steps.
To place an order in stores, head to your local Consume dispensary. Check in with reception and let them know you want to order with a budtender. While you are waiting, look at the online menu for ideas of what products you might want to purchase. The budtender can provide you with more information on the types of products available, as well as the effects and onsets. Placing an order in person is ideal for people who have never tried cannabis before or are looking for a specific effect from their cannabis experience.
What to Bring
A valid government issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, state ID or passport
Cash or a debit card. There is an ATM at each Consume location, but it can speed up your visit to have cash ready
When transporting cannabis, make sure that it is sealed and out of reach of the driver
Only make purchases for yourself. You cannot purchase for minors or to redistribute
Marijuana is federally illegal, and you should not cross state lines with marijuana
Don’t consume marijuana in public spaces or vehicles
After your first visit reflect on the customer service, the quality of the product, and overall atmosphere. If you find yourself so inclined, please leave us a review on your local Consume’s Google, Facebook page, Yelp, or Weedmaps. Doing this helps our team improve their service, allows you to give credit where it’s deserved, and provides future patrons a sense of what to expect on their visit.
Don’t know where your local Consume is? Find a Consume dispensary near you!
Michigan allows qualifying patients to apply for a medical marijuana program registry card if an active Michigan physician confirms that you have at least one of the following qualifying conditions:
• Cancer
• Glaucoma
• HIV Positive
• Hepatitis C
• Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
• Crohn’s Disease
• Agitation of Alzheimer’s disease
• Nail Patella
• Cachexia or Wasting Syndrome
• Severe and Chronic Pain
• Severe Nausea
• Seizures (Including but not limited to those characteristic of epilepsy)
• Severe and Persistent Muscle Spasms (Including but not limited to those characteristic of multiple sclerosis)
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
• Arthritis
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Spinal Cord Injury
• Colitis
• Inflammatory Bowel Disease
• Ulcerative Colitis
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Tourette’s Syndrome
• Autism
• Chronic Pain
• Cerebral Palsy
To apply online, you can fill out the application form via the online application portal.
For the online application, you will make an account and follow the instructions to apply for a Patient Only Registry card. Once you have been approved, you will be able to add a caregiver if you’d like.
The physical paper application can be found here.
In addition to the application, you will need:
* Proof of Michigan residency (valid Michigan driver’s license, state ID or signed voter registration)
* Physician certification
* $40 Application fee
For additional information about applying for a registry card and the Michigan Medical Marijuana program, check out the MRA website.